Kia Ora koutou, hello everybody!

This weeks uploads into the Weaver’s Circle include:

  • NEW Video – Exclusive to the Weavers’ circle:

How to make a A4 (or other size for that matter) Folder. These Folders are super easy to make (with a bit experience under the belt that is) and very versatile and could lead to a nice little niche product for someone.

I also created two new video categories:

  • Older Youtube Videos (but without the pesky advertising)
  • Wahakura Tutorial – the old 3 different parts on youtube combined into 1 21 minute tutorial (also without advertising

Inside the “Older” youtube videos I will try and upload some of the more popular videos – e.g. the Kete Whakairo, Pikau and Potae to start with.

There are over 20 different videos and other content now inside the Weaver’s circle and most of those are exclusive – so I won’t upload them anywhere else. The ones that are also still on youtube are in the weaver’s circle without the advertising so much more user-friendly (unless you pay for a youtube premium account).

Remember, membership is $15 a month or $150 a year (2 months free) and I will be adding more new content on a semi-regular basis (my internet connection and time pending).

So if you just want to check it out for a month perhaps – head over to the signup page and for less than a cup of coffee a week you too can learn some interesting items:-)