Kia Ora koutou, hello everybody!
This week’s uploads into the Weaver’s Circle include:
- Potae – how to make a basic open crown Potae (same video as on youtube but without the ads)
- Potae – how to make a more advanced open crown Potae (only inside the weaver’s circle)
- Other Weaving Fibers – e.g. Pingao, Kiekie (exclusive to the weaver’s circle)
- How to dye with the new Jacquard “Basic Dye” and how to dip dye (exclusive to the weaver’s circle)
We also had our first mini zoom meeting last week and despite the low attendance it was great to work out how we can do this in the future and more to come on that front.
Inside the Weavers circle I have also added a chat room feature – that we may (or may not) want to use – it is in the trial phase at the moment.
I may also create a dedicated fb group for our members – but I already know that some people are not on facebook and I rather not want them to miss out so more to come on that front.
Last but not least please note: I am away on a mini holiday from Thursday the 27th November to Monday 7th of December and any online shop orders will be sent out on Tuesday the 8th of December.